Shipping Policy

We are proud to offer the top quality products on our online store at very reasonable prices. We will make every effort that you receive your order secure and in excellent condition as you would expect.

A full payment for the order(s) must be cleared before it is picked for processing. The orders must go through the bank verification process before it is accepted. In the exceptional circumstances, where we are unable to fulfill your order, you will be notified by Email or phone and a refund will be processed within 24 to 48 hours.

We aim to process all orders within 1 to 2 days. Orders are not processed on weekends or bank holidays. We usually use Royalmail, Hermes or DPD couriers for all UK orders. Almost 98% of our orders are delivered within the timescale without an issue, Please bear in mind that your delivery time scale may get affected due to certain circumstances, e.g. worse weather condition, etc. We will alert you via email or by phone in the unlikely event of a major delay during the delivery of your shipment.

We apologize if an order gets stranded on customs, sent back, or even misplaced during the delivery process. If that happens, please don’t panic! Simply get in touch with us and we will take care of it. Unfortunately we have little control over the postal services but we will make every effort to rectify the issue. In the unlikely event where your order is misplaced/lost during the transit, we will send a new package out (if in stock) or process your refund for it ASAP.

We strongly recommend that you provide us with a correct and full shipping address. Always pay attention and double-check when filling in your shipping and billing address. Failure to provide the correct and complete address may result in the delay of your order(s).

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